Art has always held a special place in my heart. The way it allows me to express myself without words is truly incredible. Whether it's painting, drawing, or sculpting, art has the power to convey emotions and tell stories in ways that words simply cannot. The vibrant colors and intricate details bring life to each piece, creating a connection between the artist and the viewer. It allows me to escape the confines of reality and enter a realm where creativity knows no bounds. Art has the ability to challenge societal norms and inspire change. It has the power to bring people together, transcending language and cultural barriers. Whenever I am surrounded by art, I feel a sense of peace and fulfillment. It is a form of self-expression that brings joy and beauty to my life.



Experience & Focus

10 Years


Oil on Canvas

Subject Matter

Native Botanicals and Landscapes

Ella Hitchens

Oil on canvas

Take a look at some of my recent projects where I have captured the beauty of nature through my watercolour paintings.

Oil on canvas is a popular medium for artists, including myself, as it provides a versatile and expressive platform for creativity. It involves using oil-based paints on a canvas surface, allowing for the creation of rich textures, vibrant colors, and intricate details. The slow drying time of the oil paints also enables blending and layering techniques, giving the artist more control and the ability to achieve desired effects. The texture of the canvas adds depth and dimension to the artwork, enhancing the overall visual appeal. Whether it's capturing the beauty of nature or portraying emotions through abstract designs, oil on canvas offers endless possibilities for artistic expression.

Based on the Sunshine Coast

My roots

Montville Markets

I have been running a stall at these markets since I was just 10 years old. It was called "Little Entrepreneurs" back then. Over the years, this program has given me the opportunity to learn and grow my business skills. I have developed a great passion for entrepreneurship and have become quite successful in my endeavors. The markets have become a second home to me, and I have built strong relationships with the other vendors and customers. It has been an incredible journey, starting at such a young age and seeing my business flourish over time. I am grateful for the support and guidance I have received throughout these years.

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